Our White Paper
Insights & Solutions for the Challenges of Quality Control
Our white paper not only offer you in-depth analyses and relevant insights, but also practical solutions to the challenges of quality assurance. Read more about the current challenges of manual, rule-based and AI-based inspection solutions and explore the solutions offered by Maddox AI.
White Paper
Why Only Few Companies Actually Use AI-Based Inspection Systems
Find out in our white paper why only a few companies are using AI systems in regular operation, although the majority is convinced of the great added value of the systems.

Dozens of studies have already examined the adoption rate of artificial intelligence (AI) in companies. The vast majority come to the same conclusion: companies have recognized the great potential for optimization, but still rarely use AI systems in regular operations.Read White Paper Now
White Paper
Reality Check in Quality Control: Underestimated Weaknesses of Manual Inspections
Find out in our white paper how high the discrepancy is between the expectations of manual inspections vs. the reality experienced in the companies and how AI-based inspection systems can help to overcome the weaknesses of manual inspections.

In einer Umfrage unter mehr als 100 Qualitätsexperten konnten wir belegen, dass die Einschränkungen der manuellen Qualitätskontrolle zwar allgemein bekannt sind, ihr tatsächliches Ausmaß jedoch oft unterschätzt wird. Werden diese Risiken in der manuellen Kontrolle nicht adäquat berücksichtigt, führt dies zwangsläufig zu hohen Kosten durch Kundenreklamationen oder Pseudoausschuss.Zum White Papaer