Label Recognition on Cardboard Boxes
Barcode Recognition
Customer Request
Our customer, a large B2B retailer with its own mail order house, packs and ships over 10,000 packages of various sizes per day. Different labels and tags on the packages have to be scanned, checked and compared to guarantee an error-free product-customer assignment. Before the Maddox AI system was deployed, this comparison was still done manually by employees scanning and comparing the barcodes by hand. This was considered necessary because the dimensions of the cartons sometimes varied greatly, making the use of a classic inspection system too complex.
Maddox AI developed a fully automated inspection system that automatically detects, reads and compares the labels and codes on the cartons. Two camera systems were integrated on the conveyor for this purpose and can operate with different carton dimensions without changeover times. If a discrepancy is identified, the corresponding package is automatically ejected and reevaluated.
The packages were scanned manually by one employee per shift and checked whether two separate delivery bills matched.
All packages are automatically checked according to a precise inspection and defect logic.
Due to faulty delivery bills, the logistics center regularly received returns and complaints.
The number of returns and complaints was reduced by almost 85%.
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Pharmaceutical and Medical
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- Electronical
- Energy Technology
- Logistics
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- Pharmaceutical and Medical
- Plastic
Component Detection
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- Code Recognition
- Component Detection
- Positioning Errors
- Surface Inspection
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- Cardboard
- Copper
- Metal
- Paper
- Plastic
- Rubber
- Steel